President’s Message

While there have many uncertainties over the last two years, the Indiana State Chiropractic Association (ISCA) has been resolute in its mission to be the leading chiropractic organization in Indiana. By providing information to its members, the ISCA has helped our practices navigate many challenges during this ongoing pandemic. The communication and advocacy from the ISCA ensured that chiropractors in Indiana were included as essential healthcare workers at the state and national level and provided invaluable practice information. Your membership and participation with the ISCA is vital now more than ever before, and will assist us in continuing to provide the most up to date and relevant information for your practices. Your contribution and efforts for the ISCA are essential to the chiropractic profession. These contributions come in many forms including time, talent and treasure, each of which are important to help the ISCA continue to provide support and promote our profession and practices. The challenges we all face in practice are best battled if we use our combined resources, time and knowledge to support our profession as a whole. The ISCA focuses on continuing to provide tools and resources to support the profession as a whole, while protecting your right to practice in each of your unique offices. Over the years, the ISCA has built relationships with legislators and other public health officials to help promote chiropractic care in our state, such as expanding and updating our scope of practice. The ISCA will continue to work on your behalf at the local, state and federal levels to protect your right to practice, expand your continuing education opportunities in person and remotely, inform you of up to date economic and public health policies, and to lobby for chiropractic across the state of Indiana. Our success as chiropractors in Indiana is intricately tied to the efforts of the ISCA. The ISCA is here for your practice in good times and stressful times. If you are already a member of the ISCA, Thank You for your past and continued support. If you are not a member, there is no more important time than now to consider joining in support of our profession. You will be included in all the communications and correspondence from the ISCA as well as the numerous member benefits. If you have not received our email communications, please let us know and we will update your email address on our distribution list. Please “Like” and “Share” our social media posts from Facebook and Instagram to help promote the chiropractic lifestyle. The mission of the Indiana State Chiropractic Association is to represent the chiropractic profession and to promote its public image and contributions to quality health-care on state and national levels. We all know that we work in the greatest profession in the world, but it still takes regular and concerted efforts at the state and national level, by organizations like the ISCA, to pass legislation that will ensure our continued success as a profession. If you have any question or feel called to give back to the chiropractic profession and would like to be a part of the progress in Indiana, please speak to any one of our board members and get involved today!

Yours in Chiropractic,
Dr. Toby Harmon, ISCA President 

Toby Harmon, D.C.

Toby Harmon, D.C.

ISCA President